Let’s Prevent “Forgotten Baby Syndrome”!

Every once in a while, another report of a child’s death after being left behind in car may appear in the news. This tragic incidence has been referred to as the Forgotten Baby Syndrome.

Forgotten Baby Syndrome is defined as the phenomenon of forgetting and leaving a child in a parked vehicle. If the child is left behind in the vehicle for a long duration, especially under a hot weather, it could possibly lead to heat stroke and even death.

Some people may wrongly assume that these cases only happen to bad or negligent parents. The fact is this incident could happen to anyone regardless of background, including you. Forgotten Baby Syndrome is usually not a case of negligence but a memory issue due to distraction.

It is typically caused by stress, sleep deprivation, change in routine, or preoccupation with other issues. For example, if a parent who is not usually responsible for dropping off a child at the daycare has to do the task one day, he/she may not remember about the child in the back seat because it is not part of his/her routine to do the task.

How can we prevent this?

If you are a parent of a young child, let’s practice these tips as a precaution:

  • Minimise distractions while driving. This may be obvious but don’t text or take calls while driving! Apart from being illegal, this can also divert your attention from your child.
  • Place a visual cue in the front. One way is by placing a toy on the dashboard when your baby is in the car, and in the child car seat when he/she is not in the car. You can also put a reminder sticker on the windshield or driver’s side window.
  • Put your belongings in the back. You can place your bag, purse, or laptop in the back seat to prompt you to check the car before leaving.
  • Look before you lock. Make it a habit to check the back seat before locking the car even when the child is not with you.
  • Position the child car seat in the centre/left. This ensures better visibility of the child through the rear-view mirror.
  • Use devices, apps and technologies. Many devices and techs such as seat sensors, alarms, cameras, or GPS trackers are now available to help alert you of your child’s presence in the vehicle.
  • Remind each other. Always check with your spouse to make sure that they have dropped off the child at the destination. Ask daycare/kindergarten operators to notify you if the child does not arrive on time, and in turn, you should always notify them if the child will be late or absent.

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