Vaccines are long recognised as a powerful weapon to protect the health and lives of children worldwide, including your child, giving them the chance to grow up free from illness and disability. Sadly, despite strong evidence that vaccines save lives, there are still skeptics who question the usefulness of vaccines. Misinformed parents may inadvertently deny vaccination to their children, putting them at risk of unnecessary illness and suffering.
Therefore, in this issue’s feature, we address some parental concerns pertaining to vaccines, so that you can make better decisions to protect your child’s health.
What Are Vaccines?
A vaccine is used to induce immunity to a particular disease without actually causing the illness. It usually contains a weakened or killed form of a diseasecausing microbe (bacteria or virus) or parts of it. The vaccine stimulates the body’s immune system to respond to the weakened microbe and produce antibodies to fight against it. Your immune system can remember this ‘invasion’, so that it quickly recognises and destroys the real infectious microbe when they appear later.
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