Crunchy Fruity Layer


  • 300 g (3 slices) honey dew, cubed
  • 150 ml (2/3 cup) low fat yoghurt
  • 75 g (1 cup) oat cereal, toasted in oven till crispy
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp) strawberry jam
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp) watermelon juice


  1. Divide the chopped fruits between two tall glasses, reserving a few pieces for decoration.
  2. Sprinkle the oat cereal over the fruit in an even layer, and then top with the low-fat yoghurt.
  3. Stir the jam and the fruit juice together in a jug, then drizzle the mixture over the yoghurt.
  4. Decorate with balance of honey dew pieces and serve chilled.

Nutrient content per serving:

Calorie 268 kcal
Carbohydrate 53.1 g
Protein 8.3 g
Fat 2.5 g

An educational collaboration with Nutrition Society of Malaysia

Recipes courtesy of ‘Buku Masakan Pilihan Pakar Pemakanan, Jilid 2: Resipi untuk Seisi Keluarga’ by Nutrition Society of Malaysia. To purchase this recipe book which includes 100 recipes, please email: [email protected]

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