Keeping Baby’s Ears, Nose & Mouth Clean

Are you unsure about how to clean your little one’s ears, nose and mouth? Are you wondering if the well-intended advice your mother or mother-in-law is giving you is sound? This article will make you wonder no more:

Did u know?

Earwax is not dirt. In fact, it keeps your baby’s ears healthy! Any excess will eventually come out of the ear on its own.

  • DO wipe over and behind your baby’s ears with a warm, moist wash cloth or cotton ball.
  • DO consult a paediatrician if you think there’s too much wax build-up in your baby’s ears.
  • DON’T wipe inside your baby’s ear.
  • DON’T try to remove earwax from your baby’s ears with a cotton bud. When pushed too far, this may rupture his eardrums.
  • DON’T put drops into your baby’s ears unless prescribed by the paediatrician.


Did u know?

Unless your baby has a runny nose, there is no need to clean the inside of his nose.

  • DO wipe the outside of your baby’s nose with a warm washcloth or soft tissue paper.
  • DO use a rubber aspirator to suck out the mucous if there is too much of it. If the stuffiness continues, take your baby to a paediatrician.
  • DON’T stick a cotton bud or twisted tissue paper into your baby’s nose to remove mucous.
  • DON’T use your fingernail to remove hardened or crusty mucous.


Did u know?

Oral hygiene should start from infancy, even before your baby’s milk teeth come along.

  • DO clean your baby’s gums, tongue and teeth with a wet, clean washcloth after feedings and before bed.
  • DO use a soft baby toothbrush when your baby turns one. Use a peasized amount of children’s toothpaste and brush his teeth before breakfast and after dinner.
  • DO take your baby for his first dental check-up by the age of one.
  • DON’T put your baby to bed with a bottle.
  • DON’T let your baby have too many sugary drinks and snacks.


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