Having Trouble Seeing?

Vision problems affect one in four school-age children. Without good vision, a child’s learning ability is compromised as it becomes harder to see, learn and understand. Untreated eye problems can worsen and lead to other serious problems, affecting personality and adjustment to a child’s surroundings. Bear in mind too that when children have vision problems, they accept it as normal because they simply don’t know better.

Signs that a child may have vision problems include:

  • Constant eye rubbing
  • Extreme light sensitivity
  • Poor focusing
  • Poor visual tracking (following an object)
  • Abnormal alignment or movement of the eyes (after six months of age)
  • Chronic redness of the eyes
  • Inability to see objects at a distance
  • Difficulty reading
  • Abnormal head posture when looking at object

Common Vision Problems

Vision problems normally fall into two categories – those that can be detected immediately and those that take more medical consultation hours to determine. Here are some common ones:

Vision Problems Detected Immediately

These are problems that are obvious and apparent to all. Whether it is blindness or a case of misaligned eyes, such vision problems can be determined on the spot.

Brain And Eye Injury

What Is It After brain or eye injury, there can be changes to the way a child sees.

Does Your Child Have It? Your child is complaining about double visions, squinting excessively or bumping into things more regularly than before following an injury. He also seems to have a problem with the field of vision, the position of the eye, and how the eye moves.

What To Do Speak to your doctor immediately.


What Is It More than 20 babies are born each day into certain blindness.

Does Your Child Have It? Symptoms include babies do not appear to have eye contact with parents, not looking at objects or toys, not following objects, whitish reflex in the centre of the eye, deterioration in school performance, difficulty in recognising people, bumping into objects, finding lights to be too bright or too dim, squinting, abnormal movements of the eye.

What To Do If you suspect your child is losing his or her sight, seek medical advice immediately.

Strabismus And Abnormal Head Posture

What Is It The eyes are not aligned with one eye gazing straight while the other may turn inward, upward, downward or outward.

Does Your Child Have It? His eyes are clearly misaligned and your child is using one eye to see more than the other or turns his head sideways to look at objects.

What To Do Children with strabismus should have a careful examination by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist.

Require Further Medical Consultation

Some vision problems cannot be diagnosed on the spot and will require several visits and tests at the doctors to determine if your child is truly suffering from it.

Blurry Vision

What Is It This is a condition that can be caused by many things – from refractive error (shortsighted, long-sighted, astigmatism) to eye irritation and even wearing the wrong glasses.

Does Your Child Have It? Your child keeps complaining about not being able to see clearly. He is also sitting closer to the television and the blackboard to get a better view.

What To Do An expert will need to see your child to determine whether it is a condition that is continuous or intermittent to truly establish the diagnosis and treatment.


What Is It Also known as lazy eye, this is a condition where reduced vision happens from the lack of use in a normal eye.

Does Your Child Have It? Your child complains of bad vision as well as headaches from stressing the eyes too much.

What To Do Determine if your child has this by speaking to your doctor.

It is important for you to give your child proper eye care, whether or not your child possess a medical eye problem. Please do not wait until it’s too late. After all, the eyes are the windows to the world.

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